Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Warmer and Warmer!

Dear room 7,

I have not been in a producation!I really, really, really, wish I could dance and sing with you guys really bad!Could you pretty please with a cherry on top take a picture of the dancing and singing to show me when I get back to New Zealand?It has been getting warmer and warmer over here!I have been doing a lot of water play!I have been swimming in swimming pools and going to water parks and playing in sprinklers!



Mapua School Room 8 said...

Colder and Colder!
That is so unfair that you get warm weather and we get the cold weather! We have had ice on our school pool the last 2 mornings! In the mornings, people have been scraping ice from the decks to make snow balls! It's so cold here that when we step on the grass early in the morning you can barely see your footprints and it sounds like standing on a crisp (chips). We took a video of the production and we can show you that when you get back. When do you actually return to NZ? We miss you from Room 7

Zarek Wentzell said...

I return soon!