Friday, June 1, 2007

Yellowstone National Park


I just got back from my weekend away. We went to Yellowstone National Park. It was the first National Park in the whole world!We saw a grizzly bear, 2 wolfs, and lots and lots of buffalo/bison! None of these things you'll see in New Zealand! And we saw an elk aswell. My favourite things of all were: the geysers and mud pots. We saw Old Faithful geyser erupt right before dinner! We ate dinner at Old Faithful Inn/Hotel! We loved playing in the snow![There was snow there!]The end. Love Zarek.


Mapua School Room 8 said...

Hi - thanks for the update, you had some cool words in it. There are some interesting animals over there - we wish they were in NZ. It's getting colder and colder here in the mornings too! We have been practising for our production next week - it's fun cause we get to sing and do dances. It is about Dr Seuss and his stories. Have you ever been in a production? We are very excited about when you come back to Room 7 next term.

Zarek Wentzell said...

No I have not been in a production before!